First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Church Phone Number
(First Time Applicants Only)
Please explain if you are a Christian and if so, how the Lord brought you to Himself.
How many days per week do you take time to read God’s Word and spend time alone with Him?
Feel free to comment on your answer
Are there any areas in your life which you are knowingly and willfully being disobedient to God?
If so, are you willing to surrender and start walking in obedience to God regarding this area of your life?
Is there anything in the present or in the past that you have not yet confessed or made right with God or another person?
If so, will you make a commitment to confess the sin, forsake it and make restitution BEFORE Day Camp begins?
It is extremely important that each one of us be clean vessels for the Lord so that there is nothing in our lives that would hinder God’s work in the hearts of the children.
Do you understand that you are under the authority of the staff and that you are expected to abide by the rules and dress code while you are serving with MMM?
Why do you want to help with Day Camp?
We recognize that a believer’s relationship with God often waxes and wanes.
Perhaps you are in a joyful season right now and sense a sweet closeness to God; or not. Maybe you just came through the hardest year of your life so far. Please share one or more of the challenges or struggles you’ve faced this past year. We want to pray for you and know better how we can minister to you while you are serving with us.
Please share one of the highlights of your year with us. We’d love to rejoice with you!
How often do you attend Church services?
Multiple times weekly
Feel free to comment on your answer
In what ways are you currently involved in your local church?
Please explain.
Is there anything that would call into question your being entrusted with the supervision, guidance and care of children or young people?
Have you ever been convicted of child abuse or sexual abuse?
With which age group of children do you seem to work best?
(Please understand that you will not necessarily be put with this particular group, although we will try to place you where you serve best.)
For which week(s) of camp are you volunteering?
There is a required Staff Orientation Meeting on the Sunday before each week of camp. If you are unable to attend that week's meeting then please volunteer for another week
Week 1. Millburg. Staff orientation: Sunday, July 28th at 2:00 PM. Camp: July 29th–August 2nd, 2024.
Week 2. Eau Claire / Sodus. Staff orientation: Sunday, August 4th at 3:00 PM. Camp: August 5th–9th, 2024
Week 3. Coloma / Watervliet. Staff orientation meeting: Sunday, August 11th at 3:00 PM. Camp: August 12th–16th, 2024
Week 4. Bible Clubs in farms. Staff orientation meeting: Sunday, August 18th at 3:00 PM. Camp: August 19th–23rd, 2024
Confirm your availability
Please check this box to confirm that you understand you are required to attend the staff orientation meetings for all the weeks you've chosen, and you will be helping and staying for the entirety of those weeks
I will attend staff orientation meetings, and I will stay for the entirety of the weeks I selected
There are many ways to serve the Lord during Camp! Please check the boxes beside the ways in which you would like to minister this year.
(Descriptions of these positions are linked at the bottom of this page)
Cook Assistant
Activity Director
Bus Aide
Bus Driver
Van Driver
Sound System Operator
Group Leader (Counselor)
Group Leader Assistant (Counselor Assistant)
Camp Mentor
Kindergarten Teacher
Kindergarten Teacher's Assistant
Babysitting the Staff Children
Check here when you have read the description of the ministries with which you'd like to help
(Descriptions of these positions are linked at the bottom of this page)
I have read my positions’ descriptions
Within the group of evangelical believers various distinctions exist which do not prevent our fellowship in the Lord and our outreach to disciple and evangelize.
However, in offering your services to the Lord with Michigan Migrant Ministries, should problems arise between you and the leadership, are you willing to quietly withdraw to preserve the unity and harmony essential to having an effective Christian witness?
Do you agree with and are you living in accordance with the Biblical teaching that marriage is between one man and one woman only?
We believe the Bible’s clear teaching that marriage is only between one man and one woman.
“Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife: and they shall be
one flesh.” Genesis 2: 24. Because of this truth, anyone who volunteers or is paid by Michigan
Migrant Ministries must agree with and be living in accordance with these teachings or MMM
will be unable before God to allow him or her to minister with us.
Statement of Faith
(The Statement of Faith can be can be read at the bottom of this page)
I have read the Statement of Faith and agree that it expresses my personal beliefs and I am willing, if questioned by a camper, to teach what is written in the Statement of Faith while working at Day Camp.
Dress Code
(The dress code can be read at the bottom of this page)
I have read and agree to abide by the dress code guidelines listed below
General Policy Agreement
I am willing to abide by the policies of Michigan Migrant Ministries for as long as I am actively involved.
We have received your application and are grateful that you have applied to serve with us!
Please return to the “Sign Up” page to complete the last two steps.
After we talk with your references and the background checks clears, we will contact you to set up a follow up phone call.
Thank you!